Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The middle school "talk".

So now my big man is going to 5th grade, and where we live, that means Middle School. That's right, different school, changing classes, more homework, and changing clothes for PE. Now for those of you who haven't met my son, he is small, a little shy and VERY passive. And about a year ago he went through that phase where he started needing privacy. It wasn't enough to shut the bathroom door. He had to lock it, put a chair in front of the door and announce to everyone not to knock when he went to the bathroom. We all go through that phase. So I understand. But now it is time to not have to deadbolt the bathroom door and realize that you can have privacy and still have shared spaces.

I mention to prince that middle school was going to be different and all the ways things were going to change. When I told him that he was going to have to change clothes, I thought he was going to have a heart attack. His eyes got big, he didn't say anything and I could see the veins in his neck pulse as his heart began to race. "It isn't that big of a deal," I explain. "It seems that way, but once your realize that no one is looking at you, you won't even care. And you will always have some clothes on. Your only going to change into a t-shirt and shorts, and then back into your uniform" He was so cute. He regains his compose your and quickly responds, "I will be fine as long as I can bring a towel."

Well needless to say the conversation took a downward spiral from there. Clearly we need to ease ourself into this conversation. So I tabled the conversation for the next night.

So the next night we were going through his drawers making sure he had enough shirts and socks and stuff for the beginning of the school year. I open up his underwear drawer and pull out a pair of G.I. Joe boxer briefs and say, "You know, I think you might be a little too old to be wearing these to school. Maybe we should just get some plain ones?" He nods and goes back to his Pokemon cards. Hmm. That wasn't a good start. "You know, these briefs are kind of like your swim shorts. So when you change clothes, it will be like always having your clothes on."

A light bulb goes off in his head. I could SEE it. He lifts his face to look into my eyes and gives me this great big smile. Uh oh. "That's it!", he exclaims. "I will just wear my swim suit under my clothes over my underwear." He rejoices.

Clearly I suck at this mom thing. Anyone? I am open to ideas.

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