Monday, July 27, 2009

The evils of ebay.

For all of your OCD personalities out there. Don't ever start selling on ebay. Anything that isn't nailed down must go because once you start, you just can't stop.

It started so innocent. I just wanted to clean out the attic and I couldn't bring myself to throw some of the things away. I have been selling on ebay for 24 hours now and have listed the V-smile my kids haven't touched in 3 years, and a pocket camera I haven't touched since I got a phone with a camera in it.

I also listed a few things on craigslist. And by a few, I mean some furniture, a painting and I have already sold both of the car seats.

I couldn't stay up any longer tonight or I would have also posted the Yughi-o cards, the camcorder, 3 rattan chairs and the 4 area rugs.

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