Friday, July 31, 2009


So this actually happened this weekend, but I am just now coming to grips with it to the point that I can share. Robin and her daughter, Bayleigh, came over on Thursday and they were so sweet to bring our little princess some of the clothes that Bayleigh has outgrown. There were gorgeous night gowns, shirts, pants and... bras.

Do date, this is the highlight of our little princess's young life. It is official (as far as she is concerned), she is a woman now. So I realize that this is a big deal. She is very sensitive about this and I told her that she can wear them around the house and on the weekends, but not to school. She isn't really old enough for them, but it is fun to "dress up" and "play" grown-up. And she accepted these terms.

So Saturday, the first bra wore was with a tank top. You can take the girl out of the south, but you can't take the backwoods hick out of the girl. This is a great opportunity to talk about acceptable fashion. No worries.

Saturday night, we wore a new bra with our pajamas. It was the glittery one with little rhinestones and it went well with the bunny pajamas.

Sunday morning we are wearing another bra with a t-shirt. She decides that the shirt is not special enough for the bra and changes, four or five times. I start to have a better glimpse of the teenager that she will become.

Sunday night we have yet another bra on with the same pajamas that we wore Saturday night. 48 hours, 4 bras and she comes to snuggle me on the couch to ask if she can't start saving her legs. Tom and I took a quick glance at each other and I ask as though I haven't yet completely understood the question, "Why do you want to shave your legs?"

In her best 'well duh, mom' voice she answers, "Because I have a lot of hairs on my legs and I don't think that it looks good. It would look better if I shaved them off."

At this point, the world starts spinning and gets very black. This is not suppose to be happening now!!! I have 4 more years!! Ok. Mental checklist. 1. Have cable turned off. 2. Cancel magazine subscriptions. 3. Call all of her friend's mothers and figure out who is responsible for putting this idea into my sweet little girls head. 4. Home school her until she is 20. 5. Take those bras away!! That was where this whole mess started. I think they are going to befall so horrible washing machine accident.

Some how words manage to come out of my lips. We talk about how that is something that she is going to have to do... one day. So after talking for about 10 mins, she agrees that she has other things to worry about, her Pokemon game, her clothes, her dolls and of course working on her allowance to save up for her DSi. That shaving doesn't really fit into that picture right now.

Whew. Made it through that crisis, until next weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Awww Little Miss Rena... Tell her Aunt Jen said she should be allowed to shave when she's allowed to drink beer.
