Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So the ambulance just left and I am fully consciousness again and the first thing I do? Get on my blog and record this dear diary moment.

I just got THE bomb dropped on me. My little princess, in all of her innocence just informed me that she is giving me permission for Tom and I to get married so we can make her a baby brother.

Upon questioning her, it seems that she just wants another brother and doesn't really want Tom and I to get married. She is just smart enough to realize one is not happening without the other. Whew! At least we got that lesson!!

But the plot thickens....

Prince is also ALL ABOUT having a baby brother! Counting the dogs, Callie and Maya, testosterone is in short supply in our house. Seems the lizards, Spike and Thadius don't factor into this equation.

So let's review, two for baby brother, two so totally freaked out we don't know where to submit the NO ballot.

Feeling at little put on the spot, Tom and I try to explain that we are investing all our time, energy and love into just them. That they are our focus. The kids were crushed, so to pep them up, I maybe let it slip that my friend, Bonney, is pregnant. I might have also promised to babysit the new bundle of joy when it is born in May 2010 so we could play with a real baby.

Anyone else have babies to offer up for some free babysitting? Please!

1 comment:

  1. I stand correct, Bonney's baby should be here in March. I think I still might wait a month or two before I let the little princess swoop in and snatch up the baby!
