Monday, August 10, 2009

Date Menu

Tom and I are not only trying to raise kids to be happy, healthy, smart, etc. We want them to understand what a loving home environment is. You don't just live together, you work to keep each other happy.

So we have the things that we do with the kids: the soccer, the boy scouts, the girl scouts, the basketball, etc. It keep the kids active, surrounds them with friends they might not meet in school and immerses them in their community. It also keeps us cheering for them, bonded to them, supporting them and getting out of the house together.

And Tom and I do the same for each other with our "date nights". Nevermind that the kids think this is completely ridiculous. Why does Tom have to take mom to a restaurant? Because he is, "hoping mom will kiss him," he explains. Our precious 9 yr old prince thinks it is just silly for a boy to WANT a girl to kiss him, but our little angel finds that sweet and does everything that she can to help support Tom's mission. Including encouraging me to hug and kiss him when it isn't date night.

This weekend, after the school bags were packed, the princess had a freshly painted ceiling and to celebrate Tom being home for a whole week, we planned a date night. I am in the bathroom getting ready when there is a knock at the door and two voices call out in unison, "SPECIAL DELIVERY". I open the door and they present my "date menu" and tear off down the hall. Rena calls back over her shoulder, "it's from TOM."

Tom not only gave me a list of restaurants to choose from, but did the research for the movies in our area. He went through all of the trouble to tape the two sheets together so it folded like a book. I'm impressed.

We went to Fresh Slices for dinner and saw "The Ugly Truth". What a great date!

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