Monday, August 17, 2009

Is there an 12 step program for ebay?

I remember I was so proud of the $20 I made on my first sale, even though after buying the box, paying for shipping and the ebay fee I actually only made like $4. Now, I have accumulated almost $200 while by clearing stuff like old cameras, game systems, a computer desk, rugs, etc. out of the attic and the office closet. The kids think this is great. They are just sure that they we are just rolling in money now that we are selling our trash on ebay. They are the first to fetch their unwanted toys and such for me to list... even though most of it just ends up going to Goodwill.

I do admit that maybe I got a little carried away. Like the time stayed up until almost midnight watching the final minutes of on my Yughio cards go past $50 cheering as though it was the Super Bowl. Tom was on the phone with me for a few minutes and quickly realized I was preoccupied.

Tom also felt the need to mention that maybe I have a problem. Before he went out of town for the week, he was compelled to check and make sure that when he came home, I wasn't going to have sold the house for $80. I mean come on... Who sells houses on ebay? The shipping would kill you.

So just to prove I don't have a problem. I decided to take a break from it for awhile. Just not post anything. I was cleaning my room and when I opened up my nightstand drawer and saw it. And old ipod. It works, has a charger, headphones even music on it. I could totally get like $30 for it.

I mean, it is just one more little item. Surely that doesn't count, right?

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