Monday, August 17, 2009

Sharing the pain.

There is no greater pain than watching someone you love hurt. To some degree, that is just one the burdens of motherhood I guess. Watching your children get hurt, suffer, learn and grow. This letter to their father just breaks my heart. Our little princess poured her soul out during a free moment in school.

My darling little princes, I am sorry he can't get his life together enough to make room for you. That he doesn't want to put the work in to show you how beautiful and wonderful you are. That he can't seem to understand that you need him.

And most of all, I am so sorry he will never understand or appreciate your love.

My only hope is that you will grow up and KNOWING that I do. I appreciate your love for him. I stand it awe of your gifts, your beauty and your brilliant love even if it is spent on those who don't deserve it.

I know that he is just the first of many painful lessons to come in this life. And while I wish you weren't learning this at the age of 7, while I can't stop it no matter how much I want to, please remember that you will NEVER be alone.

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