Friday, August 28, 2009

Middle school is a total loss. Burn it down. Start over.

I just have one question? Is there anyone in the county school system who has spent a single day in a REAL business meeting?

We had middle school orientation the other night, and I am pretty convinced now that it is the blind leading the blind there.

FIRST, orientation was two weeks after the first day of school. Maybe they don't understand what orientation is? Maybe they don't know the definition of the word? Either way... strike one.

So we get up there are they are doing a ppt presentation about the process and procedures for interacting with the school. The woman talking couldn't project her voice out of her own shadow, so I sat there a listened to her mumble for 15 minutes.

Then, this almost made me yell at her, she "dismissed" us so we could go to the classrooms. How old do you think I am?

I am here for you to impress me. What are your test results? What is the racial make up of the school? What is the teacher ratios and book fund look like?

Instead she wanted to make sure that we got the grading folders back on Thursdays! Some of the parents had questions, which she couldn't answer, so we waited until someone could go fetch another teacher that could. Way to impress!

So we are DISMISSED and we walk all the way down to the classrooms and they are locked. Go figure! They didn't want us there to begin with! The teacher tells us to meet with the other teachers while she goes and gets the key so Tom I just walked out of the school.

They want parents to volunteer to help out at the school. Tell you want, I will volunteer, but only if I can run the entire orientation program next year.

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