Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What we are working on in 2010

We asked the kids to list 10 things that they wanted to do this year. I have to give them, they were pretty creative.


  1. Become a blue belt
  2. Get all A’s and B’s
  3. Gain 15 lbs
  4. Ride the bus home and stay by myself 3 times before June
  5. Finish the crocodile painting
  6. Volunteer to walk animals at the animal shelter 5 times
  7. Ask the Principle to allow a recycling container in the teacher's lounge and help take cans to the Human Society
  8. Help deliver Girl Scout Cookies with Rena
  9. Play football
  10. Read 5 books that are at least 150 pages


  1. Get all A’s and B’s
  2. Take a reading quiz until higher than grade level
  3. Bake cookies for neighbors
  4. Read 5 books over the summer
  5. Read Bayla to family
  6. Finish quarter collection
  7. Go camping
  8. Sell 320 boxes of Girl Scout cookies
  9. Earn 5 Girl Scout badges at home
  10. Replace the sticker decorations in her room
Like everything else, Tom and I had to put some marketing around accomplishing these goals. We are giving away $50 GameStop Gift Cards for each 5 goals they reach. Since the kids have DSi's, Wii's and laptops, we are banking on them burning through those gift cards pretty fast.

Here is the poster that will hang on the refrigerator to help the kids measure the progress they're making.

Don't worry, we didn't put all the goal setting off on the kids. This year I want to:
  1. Lose 10 lbs.
  2. Exercise 3 times a week.
  3. Launch the AIGA K-12 Education Program in Memphis City Schools.
  4. Get all birthday and holiday cards, presents mailed out on time this year.
  5. Have one play date a month for each child with the choice of his/her friends.
  6. Reevaluate career goals and options.
  7. Sell all attic items on Ebay or craigslist.
  8. Complete painting for Rena's room.
  9. Pay off one credit card.
  10. Change the visitation order.
Tom also wants to:
  1. Loose 10 lbs.
  2. Get the paperwork in order (insurance and documentation) and set up a safety deposit box.
  3. Finish the office space in the spare room.

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