Monday, January 4, 2010

Do these shoes make my butt look smaller?

I went to the shoes store looking for one pair of grey boots, one pair of black boots with a rounded toes, a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of black dress shoes that I could wear socks with. You have to trust me on this, I was just out of shoes.

So I went into the shoe store and there it was in all of its glory. Like a shining beacon of hope for all out of shape women on it's halogen alter, I mean end cap... the new Sketchers Shape Ups.

Although I had managed to not jump in my car and run to the store when I saw the commercials, right here IN the store, I could not resist it's pull. Of course they had my size, of course they were on sale. I could practically feel the promise of a tighter rear end and strong legs as I carried the box the counter.

In the twenty minute wait at the check out counter I had the opportunity to throughly inspect the product, it's optional colored laces, the coupon and low and behold it comes with a cd! It took everything I had to not put the shoes on in the store, pay for them and just walk out with them on my feet.

So now I am the proud owner of a pair of cellulite busters. The big question... do they work? Well not in the first twenty four hours, but I will keep you posted.

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