Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This post proves I am a masochist.

To celebrate my birthday today, I thought I would break out some old photographs. You know, laugh at all of the horrible pictures. Enjoy the walk down memory lane.

Almost 2 years old. I so look like my father's child.

My sister, Alex, and my rabbit, Thumper. I was 2.

My kindergarten picture.

First grade. My mother knitted that sweater.

Ah, fourth grade. I refuse to believe that I dressed myself in that.

Fifth grade. Another outfit my mother made. And that is one smoking hot belt! This is also the beginning of the longest lasting perm in recorded history.

Sixth grade.

Seventh grade. Girl mullet and a perm!


And always a goodie, eleventh grade and the beginning of my blond phase. Just look at the forehead. I could have sold that as billboard space.

That is about as many bad pictures as I can put in one blog entry. Have to wait till next year for the rest.

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