Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I need a tooth fairy STAT.

Last week, the princess's canine tooth was a little wiggly, and by that I mean that if you looked at it in the right light while she pulled as hard as she could you thought you saw it wiggle. Since then, she has worked that tooth over until yesterday she yanked it out as daycare.

Here she is showing off.

Thank goodness Tom reminded me after I put the kids to bed. One hour later. And again just as my eyes were closing for the night. I jumped out of bed and searched high and low for the stupid "tooth fairy money" (those gold dollar coins that I usually keep on hand for just such an emergency) but couldn't find a single one. Last time princess lost a tooth, it took the tooth fairy a week to get her act together. So our little angel got a dollar bill. Not as exciting, but at least she wasn't forgotten.

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