Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Silence is better.

For those of you who have seen my post, Sharing the pain, you are pretty up to speed on the saga between X and the children. I scanned and emailed the princess's heart felt message and emailed it to X since he has moved and left no forwarding address, phone number or other way to contact him.

This is the response I received a week later.

Well quiet frankly I am just overwhelmed with your sense of responsibility and deep longing for your child.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You couldn't be bothered to write more than a one sentence response to your daughter, who is clearly torn up missing you?

You think I am your god damn operator and you can put breaking her heart off on me? You need to pick up the phone and call her yourself.

In fact, why did you bother to respond at all? Idiot.

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