Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Off to the races.

Can you imagine that this is a face that woke up with tears?

That's right. I woke her up and told her today was going to be the first day of school and before her eyes were open there were big crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks. That's ok. Every woman knows that when you are just dreading facing the day, a really cool hair do can make you smile. She just loved it because she thought her hair looked like a flower and that it matched her dress. Ya. That's it. All part of my master plan.

And carrying a book bag that is bigger than her.

Checked on her at lunchtime and she was still a happy camper. And that smile wasn't just from that candy she is eating, she said she had a great first day.

Our big 5th grader, who is now in middle school, went to school all by himself on the first day. This picture isn't his first day because he actually goes to school with Tom since they have to leave before I am ready.

So many changes in his life. They change classes through out the day. They change clothes for gym. They have lockers! Prince was practicing his locker combination all weekend. He came up to me and asked me for a piece of gum. I answered, "yes" but then he continues, "Oh, I know. You want me to do my locker combination for your first!". "Umm. Ok, sure."

The adventures don't stop there. We also started soccer this week. Because they don't have practice at the same time, I took prince to his practice while princess ate dinner with Tom. Then we switched and prince and I are home for dinner while Tom and her majesty take to the field.

Ah, yes. Back to the old routine, wake up, run crazy, hit the bed.

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