Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Get excited, grandma.

We have REAL pictures of the kids!

One of my dearest friends has decided to become a professional photographer. She just got a brand new mega awesome camera and asked me if she could borrow my kids for a shoot. Um... Hell to the ya.

These are just a couple of the amazing photos we got.

She just looks like a princess!

Talk about capturing his essence. This is just SO him.

I just love this one. I can just see him in another 15 years dressing like this. It just makes me want to cry!

So now, grandma, auntie, grandpa.... order away! Go to She is just building this site, so bear with her as she tweaks it and continues to add photos. Your patience will pay off with some breath-taking photos. And for my jealous friends... I will share my secret photo friend. Email her at

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