Thursday, May 13, 2010

Headed to school and oh so cool!

The kids loved having the rarest silly bandz in their schools and they are refusing to tell anyone where they came from.

So far, they haven't found another silly bandz they wanted bad enough to trade one of theirs for.

Note how Princess has hers sorted by color and how Prince has his spread all the way up his arm.

It's interesting to hear the stories about the social dynamics at school around these colored rubber bands. One girl has a ton of silly bandz and despite how cool Prince's are, she make sure that everyone knows she has more.

While at karate practice, a 3 year old came up to Princess and asked for one of her silly bandz. Princess almost reluctantly gave one up and I praised her for the sacrifice. The child broke the band within a few minutes and Princess almost started to cry. With some comforting she was able to regain her composure, but that might be the last silly bandz that is ever donated.

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