Friday, May 28, 2010

Arm Waddle

My goal this year was to loose 10 lbs. It isn't that I think I'm fat, it's just want to be fit. That is what I told myself until I saw this picture.

What in the heck happened to may arms over the years? Sure I notice a little extra swing under my arms when I waved, but just decided to give up waving. No big deal, right? Now I have to hide my arms like a fugitive.

With this photograph I can no longer deny my arm waddle. I added weight training to my exercise routine going from just 30 mins on the treadmill with my cellulite busters three times a week to weight training the other 3 days.

Meet my nemesis. The cold steel torture device that makes me hate life, almost more than arm fat, but not quite.

I know why they call it ripped muscles. That is EXACTLY what it feels like. Breathing hurts, sleeping hurts and all I did was 15 sit-ups. That got me thinking, moo-moos aren't that bad. I saw one hanging in a store window just the other day. I could just go by one in every color and grow into them over time.

What happened to me? I used to play tennis, workout, do aerobics, weights. I ran track and did the high jump. Well... Those days are gone. I had two kids and now my exercises is hitting the gas and dodging traffic to get from work, to soccer, to karate, to scouts to school on a caffeine buzz that starts at 6 am and goes till 10 pm.

No moo-moo for me. I will meet you tomorrow, oh great device of pain. I will keep at this until one day I am thanking you for the suffering that gave me sculpted arms. Well, I probably won't say it out loud. I probably won't even really think that, but I will be glad I survived and remember what is waiting for me if I ever eat another donut.

Ya, right. Liposuction, here I come.

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