Monday, March 8, 2010

Sometimes, it's the little things.

Princess got here ears pierced back in December and has not been subtle about her desire for dangly earrings. She doesn't want little charms, she wants the shoulder sweepers. I really don't like big earrings on little girls and I have been trying to steer her to something more age appropriate.

Today, I realized that this was something really important to her and that there was room for middle ground. So I let her wear a pair of antique dangling earrings to school today.

I don't think her feet touched the ground as she walked to the car to go to school. She said that, "they just made her feel good." Then she comment on the earrings I was wearing (that she had given me for my birthday this year), about how they were artisan pieces and how they must make me feel good.

I told her that they made me feel the exact same way that she did right now to which she replied, "That's really good."

In that moment, we connected. Not the mother-daughter connection, we were just girls appreciating all the girl stuff. So simple.

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