Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ode to Jen.

After Tom proposed, and I agreed, we changed and went downstairs to the restaurant "Currents" in the River Inn. We had an incredible meal while we talked about wedding plans, how to tell the kids and our families. We agreed that any wedding plans should come after we sat down with the kids and made sure that they are onboard with this whole idea. Even if they were initially excited, we wanted to give them some room to work through their feelings.

The next morning, we headed to Jen's house to pick the kids up. The kids were not going to understand what engaged meant. I knew Jen would be happy for us and I was banking that if we broke the news to Jen first, that her reaction would help guide the kids.

When we got to her house the kids were so excited that they were both telling us about how much fun they had at the same time. Our prince was dancing all around the living room as he talked and the princess was pulling on my arm, leading me to "her" room at Jen's house. We hung out and visited for a few minutes and then it was just killing me as to how to drop the bomb on her. So we thanked Jen and she just smiled and said it was nothing. Tom and I shared a brief smile and I said, "No. Thank you for making it all possible" and held out my hand so she could see the ring.

Jen's eyes got so big and there was a long pause. The kids practically climbed over her to see what she is looking at and I asked the kids, "Do you know what that is?" To which the princess replied, "A ring!" Ok. So maybe I didn't phrase the question right.

"It's an engagement ring. Do you know what that means?" They both shook their heads no and waited. "It means Tom and I are going to get married." The kids cheer followed by the princess shouting, "I'M GETTING A BABY BROTHER!" And Jen quickly follows up with, "YES!"

If it wasn't for Jen taking time out of her life to help us, Tom would probably have proposed during the commercial break of CSI. It just wouldn't have been the same.

Thank you, JEN!

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