Monday, March 8, 2010

So I am not winning mother of the year.

Today's event... Princess wanted the training wheels off of her bike. She was sure she was ready. I took them off and helped her ride around the cove.

I let go of the bike and she successfully coasted across the cove with ease and stopped before she got to the drive way. "Ok, I am ready to start the bike by myself, " she reassured me. "How about one more time and then I will let you get started by yourself?" I asked.

So she went around one more time by herself, but this time when I let go, the bike wiggled a little bit and she tried to jump off and caused the bike to spill. She managed to not even break a nail, however, the bike hit her foot and hurt her. In that moment she decided SHE WAS NOT GOING TO GET BACK ON.

We all know that if you end with that experience in mind, there is no way you are ever going to get back on. I could not explain that sufficiently to my sweet princess. There was no way I was talking her back on to that bike. I insisted, I pleaded, I negotiated and she stormed off to the house. So I ordered her back onto the bike and then came the tears, the screaming, the threatening and the "I HATE YOU!"

I couldn't help but laugh. Her anger, in her own way was helping her deal with her fear, but was not helping her overcome it. I tried to reassure her. I tried to talk her through it and then I just snapped some pictures before the moment was gone.

Ok, maybe these are not going to be the photos we hang in the hallway, but this is how it went down.

Taking pictures didn't help lighten the mood. Instead it fueled her rage. I put down the camera and pushed her around the cove and she began panicking and screaming. All of the noise created quite the audience. I am sure the neighbors who came out to observe me pushing Rena around on her bike while she screamed at the top of her lungs, "YOUR TRYING TO KILL ME!" quickly rushed in to call child services.

Tom came home in time to catch the finale of this live theater event and was kind enough to take some video footage for you to enjoy.

Despite the tears and the fear. She did do it! And did she take a victory lap? No. instead she marched her bike into the garage and parked it, probably forever.

So we ended on a happy note, well happy compared to 20 minutes earlier.

After dinner, Princess had a moment to compose herself and we reviewed the pictures and the videos with her to talk about what was working for and against her. I tried to explain that this might be the last "first time" I ever get to catch on film. That I wasn't snapping pictures to make fun of her, but to remember this moment because she was growing up so fast.

Sometimes I think all of my talking and explaining goes in one ear and out the other. As she walked up the step to go play on her computer for a few minutes before bed, I wondered if this was one of those times. I logged onto Facebook and received a message from my little angel.

Thank you, Rena, for the moment I won't forget, the story I get to share and just being who you are. You might be my greatest challenge and my survival might be my greatest success (if I make it), but I wouldn't trade this moment, this life with you for anything in the world.

1 comment:

  1. i love your stories on the prince and the princess, maybe a little impressed by my brother's romantic moods. It helps to forget the times he threw me to the ground and pummelled me (more than once). Of coarse I did nothing to deserve it.
    I read your blog often, I need to leave a comment so you know I was here to visit.
