Sunday, May 16, 2010


Thank goodness it's Monday. Some of you may not understand that statement, but let me explain that my weekend job is much more demanding that my 9-5.

By 9 am on Saturday my living room turns into an extension of the laundry room. Here we fold the clothes and pile them up to wait for the other clean clothes to join them.

The main laundry area where the dirty clothes are sorted into piles and line up for their turn through the machines.

I also had 4 yards of mulch to put into the flower beds.

At 11:45 am, Prince has karate.

1:00 we went into Midtown to party with Robin and Bayleigh at the Snowden Community Festival.

3:00 Princess went to Sweet-n-Sassy for a birthday party.

Please note that by 7 pm Saturday, all the laundry was done and hanging in the closets. The mulch was in the flowers beds and I discovered that I need another 2 yards to finish. The kids took a bath and we ordered a pizza for dinner.

Only one more day until the work week!

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