Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Look who's riding now!

Saturday afternoon at lunch I asked Princess if she would like to go bike riding. The conversation quickly degraded into her wanting to get rid of her bike... forever. Her comment was that she was, "just not a bike kind of girl." Somehow this is not the way I thought this conversation would turn out.

We talked, we cried and finally I suggested we go to Shelby Farms and bike in the grass. Rena wasn't exactly on board, but Tom and I let her know that this was a stepping stone to driving. No biking = no driving. That struck a cord with her.

Despite her initial hesitation to get on the bike while I pushed her along the bike path, we did make it to a large grassy hill. And to my surprise, she did coast down the hill without a fight. Better yet, she didn't get off the bike, start crying and push the bike into the lake.

Prince caught this moment on video, not just riding down the hill but she was turning and stopping without falling over.

How awesome, right? She loved riding down the hill and exclaimed, "it's like a rollercoaster!" This helped her realize how much fun bike riding can be. From here we progressed to riding on the pavement and she rode 1.5 miles all the way around the lake.

It didn't stop there, she also rode across a bridge because I told her it sounded cool. And now the big girl LOVES riding. Just look at her showing off for Tom.

After dinner that night, she informed me that she was now ready to start driving because she had learned all about biking. If it just wasn't for that darn law about being 16 first, hun.

1 comment:

  1. Yea Rena!!!!!!next buy a car get a cell phone!!!! I will not tell her about all the times I fell off my bike and removed the skin off my knees.
    Once again Yeah for Rena one small step for women kind, one large step for Rena!!!!!! Just think tomorrow she wil be getting married.....Gulp, tears, Nick and Jessie got married today. Yeah for Rena!!!!!!can I say that enough, because this email is about her not my life!!!!!YEAH, you go girl.
    By the way does Deacon and Rena have email addresses of there own?
