Friday, April 30, 2010

Diamonds are forever - so are true friends

During my single-mom years, I had a group of friends that were my safety, my sanity, my world. We were all single mothers and we took turns taking all of the kids and giving each other free weekends.

It was a mommie co-op... and we did it all. Picking them up from daycare, feeding them, getting to them to softball/baseball/soccer/basketball practices, making sure homework was done... the whole deal. For us, it was just as easy to take care of 6 as it was to mother 2. If one of us had to work late, we called each other. If someone was sick, we could send the kids to each other's house. And it was also great therapy because we had each other to talk to about problems with the kids, the x, dating and just normal life.

After I met Tom and we started living together, my life and routine changed, but my friendship with these incredible ladies didn't stop.

After breaking my big engagement news to my friends, Robin presented me with a gift – an engagement ring keychain. Just a small reminder to Tom and I that I was her wife first.

Robin, I love you and we could NEVER forget you. I have your keychain with me always, but I think Tom is suffering from a little stone envy.

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