Thursday, April 8, 2010

Who needs Batman when we have ROBIN!

So I guilted myself into volunteering to be the Girl Scout Cookie Manager... AGAIN. I know I swore I would never do this again, but this is all about me wanting to participate in something that Princess enjoys because there are times when I don't feel like I hang out and support Princess as much as our little Prince. I drag her to all of prince's karate practices and he never has to sit through hers. She begged for me to be the troop leader (isn't going to happen.) So I figured I could do this for her, one more time.

For those of you who only eat the cookies and don't have to see the ugly side, let me help bring this picture into focus. Girl Scout Cookie Manager translates into designating a room in your home for Girl Scout cookie storage and acting as the accountant for the transactions of each girl. I am the warehouse manager that signs cookies out to you and then comes knocking on your door one day to collect the cash.

Nothing says "Welcome to my home" than 1000 boxes of cookies in the dining room.

Oh, we also did a cookie booth. We stood outside of Kroger's and heckled customers. Of course, we spent most of the two hours doing cheers....

Rena had to do a four hour shift because well, I was the cookie manager and I had to be there for four hours. Poor thing, right?

Rena's goal was to sell 300 boxes of cookies. She collected about 100 in pre-order and needed to sell another 200. We did some door knocking, I took some to work, but it was my dear friend Robin was the one who brought it all home. Robin sold more than 60 boxes of cookies for Rena.

Friend, mother, Girl Scout cookie saleswoman extraordinaire... Super Robin is here to save the day. We can't thank you enough for all you do, Robin. We love you!

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