Monday, July 6, 2009

Vacation Day 2

First there was a morning walk on the beach. We discovered a sea gull nest which was surprisingly minimal with only two tiny eggs in it. We put our blankets down a few feet away and went and played in the waves for about 30 minutes before the mother bird came back, and boy was she mad. She dive bombed us until we packed up and headed home.

We cleaned up and headed out for Our Lady of the Gulf Crab Festival. You have never seen so much seafood, well, at least we haven't. Tom picked out a half a dozen boiled crabs and a heaping platter of boiled shrimp. Imagine my surprise when he brought it back to the table. I was thinking like boiled seafood that they would serve in a restaurant. Instead, we got boiled seafood in a box top with algae and some other unidentifiable tag-alongs. The best part, they still had their heads on.

Now my friend, Emily, prepared me for what I was about to see. Kinda. She told me about the festival and that they people would dive in and eat the whole crab not just the legs, but you have to trust me, that seeing it is a whole nother thing.

So Tom taught the kids how to rip of the heads and shells and suck out the meat. In the meantime, I went for a hot dog.

We walked around at look at some of the crafts available. The kids were DYING to ride some rides. So princess and I went on the faris wheel and squealed with delight, then she rode the swings. Our little prince took on a monster ride. They both got motion sickness and started throwing up. So we went home and took a nap.

Good thing we got that nap in because we stayed up until 11 o'clock watching the fire works. Now this show was put on by the neighborhood. They must have spent thousands because the show went on for more than an hour. The finale was followed by a bon fire light about every hundred feet down the beach.

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