Friday, May 15, 2009

Cloudy with a chance for parties

We experienced a mild break in the monsoon weather. Prince got invited at the lasts minute (I mean 6 hours before the party) to Thoma's big 10 throw down. Having not met Thomas before, I thought it would be cool to hang out at the party and meet the parents. So I stayed inside in with the A/C and the kids ran out to the backyard. The party was originally geared for all boys, but princess made the most of it. Imagine my surprise when I walked outside to see this.

The fun didn't stop there. After lunch, cake, ice cream, the boys took their water bottles and placed them on this little device known as a "water bottle launcher". Turns out, the air pressure from a tire pump can send a plastic water bottle several feet into the air. We also discovered that 2 Liter Coke bottles go even further, as Deacon launched it right into the neighbors' backyards.

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