Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ninja training

After dinner, we started getting ready for bed. I gave the children drumsticks for dessert, banking on that buying me 15 minutes to change into my jammies. No sooner had I shut the door to the bathroom then Prince starts knocking. "Mom, I have something to show you, " he says timidly. "Is someone bleeding?" I respond. "No," and I can hear he moving away from the door. "Eat your ice cream, hun. I will be out in 5 minutes," I negotiate with no response. I figured he just went back into the kitchen with his melting ice cream that I can see vividly in my head dripping all over the floor as he saunters back through the living room.

How old do they have to be before you can pee in peace? I look down to see two shadows at the crack in the door and hear Maya and Callie's noses verifying that I am just out of sight. Ah, the universe answers my question for me.

I changed and walked through the bedroom stopping only to turn off the light as I stepped into the hallway. I walked carefully because it was completely dark and then from out of nowhere a voice catches me off guard. "Mom, can I show you...." Prince starts. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" I screamed and with my mad ninja skills jump back to try to get away from the voice (which was about 3 inches until my back was firmly pressed against the wall.) My response scared Prince so bad, he screamed and flung himself likewise into the other wall. We stood there in the dark for a long moment as our brains try to catch up to our heart rates. "OMG. Why did you sneak up on me?" I gasped as I clutched my chest, pretty sure that I was having a heart attack.

"I just wanted to show you how the fudge in my drumstick looks like an eyeball" he said as though it made perfect sense. "Hun, why were you stalking me in the dark? If you want to show me something you have to have the lights on" I tried to clarify.

"Man, you scared me!" he changed the subject and then I noticed he was crying. I hugged him and tried to comfort him as we walked back towards the kitchen. By the time we made it into the light we were both laughing. I looked down at the ice cream and with the fudge center and it did look like an eyeball.

"Hun, if you want to kill me, please choose something other than scaring me to death," and I kissed his forehead, "might I suggest just dropping something really heavy on me." Prince laughs harder, "I didn't try to scare you." "Well then I am going to have to start hanging a bell around your neck so I always know where you are," I plotted.